Knowledge Wall

Knowledge Walls are visual records of the conversations that take place in the spaces between formal, scheduled sessions. The graphic facilitator asks passers by simple questions and records their answers. The result is a rich visual that captures the diverse ideas of many people in a safe and engaging way.

Knowledge Walls are often the most illustrative, visually-captivating service that graphic facilitators provide. Knowledge Walls enrich any conference, industry expo, or other large-group event. 

Lizard Brain Solutions associate Lauren Green graphic facilitates a Knowledge Wall. Music - "On Top Of the World" by Imagine Dragons

Knowledge Wall for Mitchell International at the 2017 National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference.

Knowledge Wall for Mitchell International at the 2017 National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference.

Knowledge Wall for the 2018 Virginia Patient Safety Summit.

Knowledge Wall for the Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World.