Book cover

In the middle of doing a week-long graphic recording for a leadership training seminar, I had a participant ask me during a break, "Do you ever do book covers?" I said, "Nope, never have! Let's try it!" He turned out to be a sci-fi writer (I wouldn't have done a romance!) and the back and forth exchanges as we settled on a design were hilarious. This was definitely new for me, but I think it turned out OK.

Here's the abstract:

The Zon War is over, and the three inhabited planets of the Laima System are at peace for the first time in centuries. However, when a bomb destroys the Kealt Government and a prominent royal is subsequently assassinated, Laima again girds for war. As hopes for peace fade, High Prince Aden Cade of Kealt and Earth Alliance Officer Abby Watanabe scour the galaxy for answers, aided by a powerful, but unseen force. With the destruction of the worlds of Laima upon them, Aden reveals a secret that could save them all, but is it too late?

epilogue: the book is finished! 


Brian Tarallo1 Comment