In early 2016, a client brought OGSystems in to help integrate an agile software development program. The purpose of the program was to develop a tool suite for the analytic workforce. At the time, engineers and analysts were speaking past each other. Engineers expected analysts to provide requirements. Analysts expected engineers to help them understand how they could use technology to evolve their tradecraft. This resulted in a loop of "What do you want?" and "We don't know, what have you got?" What comes first: the tradecraft, or the technology? The client was beginning to believe they would never be able to come together. OGSystems assembled an Immersive Engineering team of design thinkers, graphic facilitators, and systems thinkers. That team began by bringing the right people together into the room: mission leaders, line analysts, and systems engineers. The IE team facilitated the large group through a series of activities. Through Immersive Engineering tools and techniques, the team helped the group to define a new vision for data-centric analysis. Using graphic facilitation methods, they imagined and defined a future state of tradecraft driven by data analysis. Then, using design thinking methods, the IE team helped the group explore the attributes of that vision. What would the experience look like for the analysts? What gains would they experience? What pains would be alleviated? What would they be able to achieve that hadn't before been possible? Then, using systems thinking methods, the IE team identified dependencies and enablers in achieving that vision. They put tools such as a backlog and a regular rhythm for meetings in place to help manage the program going forward. The IE team gathered and synthesized all this content into clear, achievable guidance for the program. The client could not have been more pleased with the results, or the IE team. The program was able to breakthrough the log jam that had stalled it. Mission analysts and systems engineers gained new ways of communicating and understanding one another. Engineers were able to get their requirements, and analysts were able to get a glimpse of what their future tradecraft might look like. And the IE team gained recognition as an effective integrator.